NAMM Is This Weekend So We Can Say Goodbye To January And Hello To G.A.S.

This Post Is Basically A Life Update. But One You Can’t Look Away From.

First off, let me tell you that I’ve been trying to write a post all month. Things have been a whirlwind here. There have been no zero/relaxing days here, and I’m exhausted from it. We go on though. We go on. Please read on.

Been Living That Squarespace Builder’s Life All January.

I’ve been working behind the scenes on a new client’s Squarespace site. I’ll share details about that when I can. It’s been a really fun project!

The entire month I’ve been looking for new clients or trying my best to generate income. January is slow for a lot of freelancers. This year it seems like the slowest in memory.

I have made the mistake of not reaching out to new clients, for years, and instead depending on my client’s businesses to stay in good health so that my business could stay in great shape.

Freelancers, small business owners, creatives – don’t do that one basket all eggs inside it thing.

Always show respect, love and care for your long time projects and repeat customers, but don’t lock yourself into thinking the future won’t hold any changes or believing that you can’t grow. You can. You deserve to grow along with the effort you put into your craft and be you should be compensated fairly for it.

I say we should toss the New Year’s resolutions out the window and work on fine-tuning or even overhauling our way of making a living so we can spend more time with loved ones and keeping h

New Videos Are Rolling Out Glacially.

Moving into the art and social media realms here. I was only able to squeeze out one of the short form music videos I’ve been doing weekly for the past few months. Here it is:

Hopefully February allows me some time to craft a few new videos. I’ve been using these to slowly learn Adobe After Effects. Taking most of this month off from using it has not been great for remembering new techniques, but I’ll get back into the swing of it soon.

Speaking of creative ventures, I haven’t spent much time making music. I’ve had very little time to use my modular synth this month.

I’ve spent some time in Logic Pro and have written a couple pieces of music, but mainly I’ve been doing my yearly updates to my Logic templates. I love updating the templates because every year they get better and make everything from recording to idea generation much more easy, efficient and (most importantly) fun.

What Is Happening With This Site? It Seems Different.

Some of you might have noticed that this site looks a little different. I’ve been changing things up around here little by little. I finally upgraded from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1 and I am really happy I did. Now I just need to keep honing things around here.

Sometimes I think this site has too much going on with the music and sound stuff, the website development section, a blog, a store, videos, graphic design, but here’s the thing. That’s me. I am complex, have always worn a lot of hats, always juggled a lot of hobbies, and spent good time educating myself about many subjects at once. Staying curious and learning new things is what keeps my creative side full of fresh ideas. I don’t want to stop.

There’s also this side project I’ve been keeping quiet about for a while, and I’ll dedicate an entire blog post to that soon. It’s another creative endeavor that I’ve been chiseling away at for over a year, and in December I think I started finding the form in the shape. Some of you already know what it is, but if not it will be announced soon.

NAMM Is Here So Get Ready For An Avalanche Of New Gear Posts Online

Ah, NAMM. I’d love to go again. I haven’t been in about a decade maybe. It starts Thursday, January 25th and runs until Sunday. I’m excited for the gear videos incoming from some of my favorite synth YouTubers and other cool musicians and artists.

There are already a lot of new synths and eurorack modules that I am getting G.A.S.* from. Right now I’m going to hold tight and rediscover the gear I already own. I’ve been using the Moog Subharmonicon a lot lately and getting to know it again has made for some fun nights making music.

There is no alternate universe where I’m interested in all of the arguing, entitlement, and toxic online behavior that comes with mixing music gear and social media. Comment sections on all the socials are about to be as wild as raging bear on cocaine and I’m not about that life. Do me a favor and add some positivity to these upcoming conversations.

Okay that’s about all I have to talk about at the moment. I’ll likely update this post in the next few days. Right now it just needs to get published.

Thanks for reading all of this. You rule.

In closing, please talk to me if you are a creative/small business who wants help getting their Squarespace site dialed in and working for your business the way it should. I have three open slots to do site builds (5 page Squarespace sites) for February. You should claim one now.

Go. Get out there and be creative. Share what you make. Seriously. Go enjoy the process of creation and stay curious.

* G.A.S., aka Gear Acquisition Syndrome - A condition where you have to buy all the new things. I hear it’s preventable.


android floatation device (Generative Ambient VCV Rack)


Did Manifestation Or Santa Bring Me A Korg SQ-1 For Christmas?